I like to call the weekend of 10.12.14 our weekend, because it felt like it was and I have no problem admitting that I really enjoy that!  It also felt pretty much like the best, most amazing, weekend EVER!!

After having a wedding I now realize why there are so many celebrations leading up to it, you just don’t want the party to end.  Every little moment needs to be savored because you’re surrounded by people you don’t get to see often and you really get the best opportunity to practice living in the moment.  We had people coming from far and wide and we felt so privileged that they made the journey for us (some people multiple times)!

Friday morning started with coffee and bagels with these two

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Things really got rolling at the venue (SoDo park), where we did the whole rehearsal aspect of the shin dig.  Natasha, at The Invisible Hostess, did the most amazing job rallying the troops, and getting shiz done!


I cannot even begin to express how wonderful Natasha is, the rehearsal (and wedding) went so smoothly, and I feel like she was such a large part of that.

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I was soo happy that my friend Jill’s husband, Mike, took these photos.  I totally didn’t even think about how nice it’d be to have this part of the day on film, but it makes me super happy.

Following the run through, we went to Geraldine’s Counter, which was another great experience.  They reserved the whole restaurant for us, and allowed us to add our own decorations.


I just love how accommodating they were.  They fed us spectacular food, and I’m happy to say everyone was stuffed and got to take leftovers home!  Dave and I passed around our gifts for everyone to let them know how much they mean to us and really to express in a small way how much we appreciate their love and commitment to us as family and friends.

I was able to snap shots of each of table.




It was so much fun having everyone together.  I highly recommend Geraldine’s, their breakfast is AMAZing!! We ended up having their famous french toast, ALT (avocado, lettuce, tomato), casserole, two scrambles, pumpkin pancakes, and coffee cake.   It was so great to spend time with all the friends and family.  Not to mention this guy…


If you can’t tell from his red cheeks there were plenty bloody marys and mimosas consumed that afternoon.

Three generations of Italian.IMG_6953.JPGThese girls


The best part about this party was that it didn’t really feel like it was ending.  The wedding was just around the corner, and I couldn’t have been more excited!!!!!!!!!

**Prepare yourself for the increase in the quality of the photos to be 200% better, as the photographers for our wedding were A-maz-ING!!!!!!**

Be well!