
The Art of Running in the Rain

"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." -Prefontaine



Whole 30 Week 4 Check In – Wrap Up

Hey everyone!

I’m a little behind on this final wrap up and I have to be honest with you it’s because I’ve kind of been dreading it. The reason being that I truly feel that the Whole30 didn’t really work for me. Although, in a way I can look at this as a win for science. Meaning, sometimes you can fix some things naturally (eating differently, acupuncture, exercising, etc.) and sometimes there’s a place for western medicine (medication, psychotherapy, etc.). My main concern coming into the Whole30 was my digestive issues, after doing the Whole30 nothing changed in that area. In fact, on occasion I felt worst. Turns out my diagnosis is Mastocytic Enterocolitis, a disease in which you have an increase in mast cells in the colonic mucosa (I know, more than you wanted to know, but honestly if sharing this story means someone else goes to an allergist and finds relief from the pain then I will share). Since my visit with the allergist (who had no idea what the Whole30 was) I’ve been on Cromolyn Sodium, and the effects have been instantaneous! I’m so incredibly happy that I sought out a gasteroentinologist, that I went through with diagnostic procedures and that I followed up with an allergist, WORTH IT! Now, the Whole30, I’m on the fence about whether it was worth it or not. Ultimately if you do it and it helps you eat more whole foods and less processed foods then all the power to you, but I’m a firm believer in the 80/20 rule, so I’m not sure if I’ll ever do something like this again.

Now, I’ll get into the food and then I’ll tell you my final thoughts…



Kale, sweet potato and egg scramble (I still eat this for breakfast/dinner all the time post whole30…so good)


Homemade almond milk, walnuts, berries, almond butter.


Chia pudding (almond milk, berries, chia seeds, ground flax seed, unsweetened coconut, almond butter).


Broccoli and egg scramble with a side of blueberry-banana-coconut milk-chia pudding


Fried eggs, avocado, and salsa.


Another Pitaya bowl (not technically in the spirit of whole 30 but all the ingredients were compliant so fuck it)


Scrambled eggs, potatoes, and blueberries (Whole foods hot bar is really good for Whole30 compliant outings, it was one of the two places dave and I ate out at during the month).


Broccolini scramble, sweet potato wedges, and strawberries.

LUNCH/DINNERS (wasn’t as good at capturing these, sorry)


Roasted red pepper soup with chilean sea bass. Dave was a huge fan of this dish!


Grilled salmon on a bed of mixed greens with balsamic and olive oil.


More salmon burgers, asparagus, and sweet potato wedges.


This is what my ‘sweet potato wedge’ prep looks like almost every Monday. This is a habit I will maintain for sure!


Avocado, homemade mayo, egg salad.

I figured the best way for me to analyze the Whole30 was to do a pro/con list.


  • Got me into some really good food prep habits.
  • Increased awareness of how much sugar is in almost ALL foods.
  • Decreased craving for sugary treats.
  • No break outs throughout the entire month.
  • Decreased eating out.
  • Observed a distinct negative reaction when introducing sugary treats (e.g., increased heart rate, anxiety, and a head ache).


  • Made my digestive system worst at times (I feel that this was in part due to the fact that I was trying to adhere to the no-snacking policy and in doing so increased the size of my meals and with my condition it’s better to eat small meals more frequently).
  • Social situations feel a bit awkward.
  • Almost unable to eat out at all.
  • Certain restrictions feel unhealthy for vegetarians (e.g., no beans of any kind, limit nuts, etc.).

I’m very happy for all the people that reached out to me and expressed their positive experiences with Whole30. In summary I feel as though my experience was neither good nor bad, but I can say I took away some positives from it, so I’m happy I did it.

Be well.


Link Love III

It’s time for a little link love!!  If you’ve been here before then you know what to do, if not, click the picture to get the full story!

  • Vegetarian foods that aren’t in fact vegetarian.  I’m definitely not the most stringent pescatarian, but I do like to educate myself on hidden animal products in foods, so I thought this article was interesting.


  • I was just about to head out the door to buy a pumpkin spice latte, when I remember reading on Taralynn’s blog that they are no longer vegan, so I wondered, ‘well, what makes them not vegan if you get soy milk and omit the whipped cream.’  This article stopped me from getting one…


  • I’ve registered for a free online course through UC Berkley called “The Science of Happiness.”  I’m a big psychology nut, so I’m super excited for the course.  Enroll with me!!!


  • I recently acquired the Canon Pixma MG 7520 and I am so happy I did, the photo quality is amazing!! Plus the touch screen is pretty nifty.  I have all these craft projects in mind and in my research came across  instaport which gives you the ability to download and subsequently print your Instagram photos, boom Instagram #cantholdusdown


That’s it for now!

Be well.

Kabocha squash

Thanks to spoons I recently became addicted to kabocha squash!  It is so buttery and delicious and I love how healthy it is!  Also, it’s really simple to prepare!  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

This is what it looks like whole, cute little mini green pumpkin looking fella.


Cut it in half and clean out the seeds.IMG_0169


Slice thinly.


Place on a cooking tray in a single layer.


I like to coat the squash in olive oil (or coconut oil when handy) and preferred spices (garlic, salt, pepper).


Pop it in the oven for 30 minutes (flipping half way).

IMG_0174The MOST important thing, don’t try and eat it right away, it’s a little hot.  I know that seems like a no brainer, but for some reason I forget it every time I make anything in the oven. EVER.

IMG_0175Don’t blame me if you can’t stop yourself and you eat the whole squash.


Be well.



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