Thanks to spoons I recently became addicted to kabocha squash!  It is so buttery and delicious and I love how healthy it is!  Also, it’s really simple to prepare!  Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

This is what it looks like whole, cute little mini green pumpkin looking fella.


Cut it in half and clean out the seeds.IMG_0169


Slice thinly.


Place on a cooking tray in a single layer.


I like to coat the squash in olive oil (or coconut oil when handy) and preferred spices (garlic, salt, pepper).


Pop it in the oven for 30 minutes (flipping half way).

IMG_0174The MOST important thing, don’t try and eat it right away, it’s a little hot.  I know that seems like a no brainer, but for some reason I forget it every time I make anything in the oven. EVER.

IMG_0175Don’t blame me if you can’t stop yourself and you eat the whole squash.


Be well.