
The Art of Running in the Rain

"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." -Prefontaine

Mira’s First Trip To Disneyland

Well in the bittersweet way that life often happens we found ourselves in Southern California last week when Dave’s grandma passed away. We spent the majority of time in Los Angelos, but we made our way down to Orange County on a couple of occasions, one of those occasions being Disneyland. I’m going to write a more detailed post about some of my favorite places in southern California (I’ve been meaning to do that since we lived down there), but for now let me tell you about our trip to Disneyland, or as I like to refer to it, Mira’s first trip to Disneyland. I was slightly apprehensive to go to Disneyland with a child under 5, but that was before I found myself 40 minutes away from Disneyland. That. Changed. Everything.

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Some of you may have agreed with my initial sentiment (especially those of you who have knowledge of child development….man, the skill set they expect you to have at Disneyland….patience, delayed gratification, etc….I know adults that don’t have that shit), but Mirabella had one of the best days of her life. I’m not even talking about how excited/happy she was, I’m talking about minimal-upset, falling asleep on dad, riding five rides and not being afraid of any (even the witch on Snow White, who was my dad’s biggest fear for a large part of his childhood).


So now I’m of the mindset that it really depends on the child, I even think you could have an infant that would be good to go in Disneyland (as long as you have someone to watch them while you ride ALL the rides). One of my all time favorite rides is Pirates of the Caribbean, and this time the ride was even better! Mira spent the entire ride laying on me half asleep (she NEVER does that), it was just really amazing!


My mom came down with us to Cali to help with watching Mira while I worked and Dave was occupied. It was nice having her with us and I know it made Mira happy. Flying with Mira is definitely a joint effort at this point, so it was nice to have her with us on the flight down when Dave was already in LA.


One of my favorite parts about Disneyland are the treats and we tried a few new ones this time. I was ALL about the slushies, this was actually my second of the day (the first one I didn’t snap a pic of, but it was orange-lemonade and it was delicious).


My mom tried the grey stuff, and apparently the dishes were correct, it’s delicious.


Here’s a list of all the other things we had that I didn’t snap a picture of: Frito Pie (this is an off menu item that you can ask for at the refreshment corner – Dave reports it’s delicious), Clam Chowder Bread Bowl (I may have ate mine and Daves), Mickey Macaroons (OMG, so delicious), Jack Skellington Cake Pop (not my fav – too much white chocolate), and as always Pooh Sandwich (I think they renamed it Mickey Sandwich, but I’ll always know it as the Pooh Sandwich) – old picture for memories.


I’d say Mira’s absolute favorite part of Disneyland was the characters, but it was perfect because she’s not at an age where she could say “I want to wait in line an hour to get their signature.” It was more of a, if we saw them we saw them, if not then who cares. When she saw Pooh she was in heaven, the funny part is it was really her first time seeing Winnie the Pooh (we didn’t even get to ride the ride because it was closed), she just really has an intense love of visually stimulating stuffed animals (aka ELNO!!!).


I’m not going to lie to you, there was a lot of apprehension about taking our 16-month-old to Disneyland, and while I’m not saying it’s something everyone should do, I do think that it really depends on your child. Mira had a great time, and I have no ragrats!


I’m excited for the time that we can go to Disney and Mira can form full sentences to tell us about what she’s seeing and how she feels about it!!!

Be well.

Addams Family Themed Halloween Costume

IMG_7838.jpgThis is our first year doing a family themed costume and we had so much fun that it is going to become a tradition! I don’t quite remember what got us thinking about this costume theme; however, it was definitely the Wednesday braids that confirmed our choice.


There was definitely NO DIY with this costume or any of the costumes in our theme this year (maybe for future costumes); however, with clever scouring of our closets we were able to assemble most of the costumes with items we already owned. Here’s a list of items we needed to purchase for Wednesday’s costume:

  • Black crochet braids – Mira’s pretty good about keeping things on her head, but I also think that the fact that it is essentially a hat made it a lot easier to keep it on her head at most points in the evening.
  • Black and white dress – This dress is made of such a comfy material, it was easy to get on and she seemed comfortable all evening.

Things we already had:

  • Black tights
  • Black shoes – we used her cons, and I mean, who can resist a toddler in converse


We were originally going to be in Seattle for Halloween, so Dave would have felt a little more comfortable temperature wise in a full suit; however, we were in southern California so he got pretty hot early on. Here’s the list of items we purchased for Gomez Addams:

  • Fake hand – I regret not bringing our velcro strips to attach the hand to his suit, but aw well, Mira had fun carrying it at times.
  • Hair dye – Dave reports that this stuff made him super warm! Although, we thought it looked perfect and was really easy to wash out. Maybe the warmth would have been welcomed in the PNW.

Things we already had on hand:

  • Black suit
  • Tie
  • Black shoes

IMG_0792Failed at getting pictures of my costume, but this one was towards the end of the evening when I had changed shoes. Originally I was wearing heals, but clearly I am no longer at the point in my life when heels on halloween work for me. I made it to the end of the block before switching to mules. We didn’t need to purchase anything for my costume, here’s what we used that we had on hand:

  • Black velvet dress – This was the bridesmaids dress I wore for my cousin’s wedding. Ironically I was as far along in Mira’s pregnancy as I am in this pregnancy now.
  • Black heels – These heels are so old AND from target, it may be time for me to get a new pair of tried and true black heels.
  • Crucifix necklace – This was my nonna’s.
  • White face paint – I couldn’t find the exact one I used, but the bottle looked very similar to this one.
  • Black lip stick

I will add that if we would have been in the PNW for Halloween I probably would have purchased a black fur coat, so it ended up working out great for my costume that we were in the warmth!


It made me happy that there were very few ‘one time use’ items that we had to purchase. I’m already thinking of what costume Mira will be when we use her dress on baby number two in a couple years 🙂



It was so much fun putting together our theme this year and it got me pumped for what we are going to do in the future. Stay tuned for future themes. Hope you had a great Halloween!

Be well

Friday Faves

Hey everyone, just popping in with a few of my Friday favorites! Many of these will be food related because, well, food. There may also be a special “Mira’s Favorite” in there. Hope you enjoy 🙂


  • I almost bought a costco size pack of Ferrero Rocher, but I’m glad I opted for the normal size. This one is usually a Christmas treat, but about a month ago Dave brought me home a little packet of them and now I crave them all the time! If I’m being honest I’ve also been trying to track down Cadbury eggs, but I think it’s seriously too early for that sitch.


  • This pillow has made a comeback in my life, it makes sleep enjoyable again!


  • I have been really turned off by coffee for a long while now and I really really miss it. I love the ritual of having a cup of coffee in the morning, but I can’t even remember the last time I had one with my breakfast. In the beginning of this pregnancy I turned towards tea, and now I’m addicted and have a cup a day. Because I’ve also been obsessed with pumpkin (#basic), I tried the Trader Joe’s pumpkin rooibos and it’s everything I’ve wanted and more.


  • In other beverage related news, I’ve also been into hot chocolate. Again, I almost made an impulse Costco sized purchase, but held back and then found this lovely little yum yum spot at Ross’s Dress For Less (gotta love finding food items at a home goods store).


  • Celebrating four years of love with the most amazing man ever.

And now it’s time for Mira’s favorites…

  • PAPA!!!! I’m not the only one that’s got this guy as a favorite this week. Lately Mira has been all about sitting in her papa’s lap, chasing him around the house, and having him hold her. It makes my heart melt, mostly because I love this guy so much and when I see her love him I think ‘she get’s it, he’s the best!’


  • “ELNO!!!!!!!!!!” We love Elmo around these parts, he sleeps with Mira at nap time, he is in her arms all around the house and he gets to sit in her puppy chair (which is kind of a big deal). I do recast the correct production, but I’m having my first ever speech therapist struggle where I love the cute incorrect production! Plus I know it’s a close enough approximation and the reason it’s happening is because she’s accurately getting the /l/ sound, so yay for that! Wow, maybe you guys didn’t want to hear all that??? Side note, now I’m trying to convince Dave we need a trip to Sesame place!!!!!


That’s it for now, have a great weekend!

Be well.

Let Me Tell You About The Period Of Purple Crying

This is a topic I’ve been meaning to write about since July 16th 2017. You may be wondering why I have such a specific date in mind, and that is because July 16th was the day that Mira entered her ‘Period of Purple Crying’ Of course, we were in denial about it for a good long while. It wasn’t until we were out of it that we really determined what we had experienced. Before I talk about this really difficult experience and a hard thing that my baby girl, her dad and myself had to go through, let me share a couple REALLY cute photos of her…

DSC_0039.JPGNow the reason I chose this photo is intentional. It’s because in Mira’s 15 months of life I can count on one hand the amount of times she has fallen asleep on me without crying, for some extended period of time, beforehand. This moment was beautiful, she was tired, she fell asleep, and that was it.  I definitely savored the three times it happened.


But I digress, because although I believe sleep (without intense crying) is harder for a purple baby, that’s just my own experience speaking not scientific fact. And after months of sleep training Mira is an AMAZING sleeper (on her own, in the dark, with a noise machine)

Alright, back to the topic at hand. First off I want to explain what the ‘Period of Purple Crying’ is. Previously the term ‘colic’ has been used to describe many babies that go through this period; however, there is now a shift because ‘colic’ can lead people to believe something is ‘wrong’ with the baby or that there is an ‘illness’ present. Often medicine is prescribed to ‘colic’ babies and that creates this cycle of thinking ‘something is wrong.’

The ‘Period of Purple Crying’ can starts around 2 weeks of age and can last until 3-4 months. The characteristics of this period are described by the acronym “PURPLE.”

P: Peak of Crying – your baby may cry more and more each week peaking at 2 months and getting better over the next 3-4 months.

U: Unexpected – crying can come and go and you don’t know why.

R: Resists Soothing – no MATTER what you try.

P: Pain-like face – may make a face that looks like in pain when in fact they are not.

L: Long lasting – crying can last up to 5 hours a day or more.

E: Evening – your baby may cry more in the late afternoon or evening.

I remember taking a class through Swedish and being told about “Purple crying” and I didn’t think very much about it, Dave and I even watched the short video that tried to describe what the experience feels like. Still nothing. I think it’s because you want to believe that when your baby arrives you’ll be able to handle the crying and that there will be things that you can do about it. For some babies this is definitely the case, and for others there is no amount of soothing that can help.


The problem with believing that there is something you can do (remember the acronym, 5 or more hours a day, nothing you do will console them) is that you are caught in a cycle of thinking ‘what am I doing wrong?’ I also remember feeling trapped because the crying could come on anywhere at anytime. I couldn’t make it around greenlake for a walk with friends because at some point Mira would start screaming and would scream all the way home.

I often hear from people, ‘I would just let them cry,’ and I would say that I was right there with you, PRIOR to having Mira. There is a reason people don’t want to sit on an airplane next to a crying baby. It is torture. Couple that with the fact that this is YOUR human that you are suppose to be able to soothe and comfort. It is unlike anything else.

I want to jump back to the term ‘colic’ again, because I think it’s important to talk about the things we tried when we thought ‘something was wrong.’ At the one month appointment we were told that we could try probiotics to help her build healthy gastrointestinal functioning (which is often thought to be the ailment that plagues colic babies). We were vigilant to no avail, we still give her probiotics frequently. At the two month appointment we were told it might be reflux (another problem source for colic babies); however, 1.5 weeks into that medication Mira began throwing up every time we gave it to her and there was no change in her level of crying. It was at that point where the doctor really talked to us about this period that we might be going through.


Dave and I reflect back on things like our PEPs group meetings and how even being a part of a parenting group felt isolating because it felt like no one could relate to what we were experiencing. I have some very empathetic friends, and I do believe they have heard me and care about us. But prior to having Mira I NEVER would have understood, I would have thought, ‘well maybe there’s something your not trying’ or ‘are you kidding? there are so many people DYING to have a baby and you’re complaining that yours cries!?’ Now that I’ve lived it I know it’s not complaining, it’s about surviving, so you can be okay and you can TRY and help your baby be okay. It was also hard interacting with other parents because it felt like we got a lot of judgement when we would share our experience and we didn’t know if they had a baby that didn’t go through that period, they weren’t being honest about how hard it was, or they just didn’t even realize that they were in that period. Everyone copes with things differently.

I often find in life that leading up to something I dread doing it, even if it’s something excited, I’d rather stay in the comfort (or discomfort) of my current state and not move. For example, when Mira was 3 months old (in the thick of her crying – I should say hers went from 4 weeks – 4.5 months) my good friend invited me for a baby sleep over (she had just had her baby too). For the whole day leading up I was slightly dreading it, not because I don’t love my friend, but because Mira had cried a LOT that day and I wasn’t sure I could make it (mentally). In fact, on the drive over I nearly lost it, I made this video.

I share this video with you for three reasons, because 1.) I’m a very transparent person, I think we should share the good, the bad and the ugly with people, even on social media. In fact I think if we did we would be more united and less competitive (especially women) with eachother. 2.) This is what I sound like when I’m running on very little sleep, with a baby that cries hours and hours daily and I’m just trying to cope 3.) The last part of the video is my favorite, because no matter how frustrated a parent is, if they think something is wrong with their baby they will bust an illegal u turn on 25th by the IMA to check and make sure their baby is okay.

I made it over to my friends house that night, and Mira had one of the best sleeps she had had in her 3 months of life. I woke up and had a cup of coffee and then my friend and I walked to a nearby restaurant. It was such a lovely time.


One of the things that they say about purple crying, is that the word period is used for a reason, because it has an end! When you’re in the thick of it you feel like you won’t survive, but it will be over. Unfortunately I do have some PTSD. I find that the first minute of Mira’s cry now does make my heart start pounding and I find that I have to take a few deep breaths to really calm down. Sometimes that doesn’t help, and I turn to Dave and say ‘pizza time’ (our code word for when we need the other person to take over entirely, no questions asked), and that’s the only thing that helps.

I do remember when it ended though, it was quite monumental. We had planned a trip down to California to introduce Mira to quite a bit of Dave’s family and to enjoy Thanksgiving in a warm place. The trip began with Mira falling asleep on the plane while we carried her (without crying beforehand), it was a shock to both of us.

IMG_4821.jpgOf course we didn’t fully believe we were out of the woods until around Christmas time. I think that’s when it became clear that the period had past and it truly sunk in that more of the day was happy and less was spent crying.


I’m going to tell you some things that helped me get through this period of purple crying. You all know my feelings on unsolicited advice, so know that I’m not giving advice to any moms out there, just telling you what worked for me. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF when you can. For me taking care of myself looked like eating healthy, exercising and taking breaks (and we are talking 100% away breaks) from baby. During the period of purple crying I couldn’t take Mira to the YMCA childcare because they would come and get me during my workout saying she was inconsolably crying and it was traumatizing (plus I knew I’d be going home and she would be inconsolably crying for me). What I was able to do was utilize the nanny we had for when I was working to get workouts in as well as when dave was home, force myself to go out for those runs or open the Jillian app. It’s helpful that Dave and I love to cook because it motivated us to focus on healthy recipes with whole foods, but there are so many useful options out there now (blue apron, hello fresh, etc.) that can really help you get those healthy foods into your life easily. Lastly, complete breaks away from baby were sooo essential for me, over thanksgiving break Dave took Mira a couple times to visit his family while I went to the spa and Disneyland with my family and those were awesome. There were definitely other breaks both by myself and with friends/family, but those ones in Southern California were so great that they stick out in my mind.  I think the time apart makes the time together even sweeter. I definitely feel that aside from my slight PTSD I have healed from this difficult period, but I will never forget this tough time that we all went through together and that’s okay, because “happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the lights” (Albus Dumbledore).


One of the things that I think about is if this has any long term implications for our little boo boo. I haven’t read a lot of information on this, but I’ve heard anecdotally that anxiety may be a difficulty for babies who had really difficult periods of purple crying. Currently she does not show any signs of anxiety; however, I will definitely be on the look out for indications of an underlying complication that may impact her ability to enjoy life to the fullest. I know some really kick ass early interventionists that, should this be the case, can help her out (prevention over rehabilitation). For now I’m just going to enjoy my beautiful, funny, social, spicy, amazing daughter and all the wonder that she brings to our lives.

If you have any questions about (what I know of) the ‘period of purple crying,’ my experience during this time, or specific things that transpired for us please feel free to ask.

Be well.


Cinnamon Buns

I have to admit that I’m a sucker for a good nordic concept that gives me the warm fuzzies. First it was hygge, and now it’s ‘Lagom,’ the concept of ‘not too little, not too much.’ I completely devoured Niki Brantmark’s book.


It is now sitting in our living room (it helps that the cover is adorable) and the other day I was flipping through and came across a yummy looking cinnamon bun recipe. Moment of baking inspiration + Mira’s nap time = time for some cinnamon buns!


There is just something about pouring flour into a bowl that really gets me. The *thunk* once it hits the bottom. The incomparable softness. I would love to lay in a pool full of flour.

dsc_0049.jpg Butter….not so much. I really dislike working with butter. Once it’s softened it sticks to my hands and the knife. I never feel as though I’m ‘cubing’ it quite right.


Somehow, the dough ball is created.


I can definitely find some beauty in every step of the process. Although, not when I dropped the bottle of rice vinegar and it smashed all over the floor.


Mira woke up at some point, but she was happy to hang out while I baked (gotta love her growing autonomy).




Cinnamon Buns

  • Servings: 10-12
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Print


2 c flour

1/4 c fine sugar

1/8 c active dried yeast

1/4 tsp salt

1/3 c butter, cubed

1 c warm milk

1 egg, beaten


1/3 c melted butter

1/3 brown sugar

2-3 tbsp ground cinnamon

GLAZE (optional)

1 c powdered sugar

1.5 tbsp milk


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  2. In a mixing bowl combine dry ingredients, then mix in butter with dough hook.
  3. Add the milk slowly while mixing the dough until it appears sticky. If it is too wet add a small bit of flour.
  4. Cover and allow to rise for an hour.
  5. Place dough on floured surface and knead for 5 minutes. Roll into rectangular shape until about 1/2″ thick.
  6. Brush the dough with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
  7. Roll the dough on the long side and cut into about 1″ thick pieces. Spray a baking tray and place cut-side up on tray with a good amount of space between. Cover and allow to rise for 45 minutes.
  8. Brush buns with beaten egg and bake for 15 minutes (my oven required 20) or until the buns are golden.
  9. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
  10. (optional) Whisk powdered sugar and milk to make glaze, pour over buns.


Be well.

Sunday Style IX

I’ve got some exciting news……. ‘Sunday Style’ is back!!! I’ve definitely missed doing these posts, and one of my yearly goals was to get back into doing posts that really bring me joy!

I’ve mentioned my love of capsule wardrobes before on the blog, and I worked hard to create another capsule for this summer. I might try to put together a post on what my fall capsule will look like this year, but as for summer I never got a chance. I’m happy with it so far, and I’m extremely happy that (after a lot of hard work) I was able to reuse quite a few pieces from previous capsules.

To remind you all why I fell in love with the idea of a capsule wardrobe, I’ll share with you a few of the principals that really resonate with me:

  • Keep it seasonal – this way when I go into my closet I can wear ALL the items, not just half.  This doesn’t mean getting rid of ‘out of season items’ it just means storing them until it’s their time.
  • Keep it minimal – I get overwhelmed when there are too many pieces in my closet, and I find I feel like I have more options when I have less items (weird, but true)
  • Save the planet – okay, this ones a little bit much, but it’s absolutely true.  How much clothing you go through is just as impactful on the environment as other kinds of waste. To find out more check out this article.
  • Save time – this one is more important to me now than ever. I don’t have as much time to pick out my outfits, so it’s great to have some of the planning taken out for me.

There are other great reasons to do a capsule wardrobe. I get very inspired by this blogger, so check her out!

On to my 2018 summer capsule. One of the items that I really wanted to add to my capsule was a jumpsuit. I guess maybe I was getting a little jealous of Mira’s jumpsuit


I decided to go for black over her psychedelic colors.


I found this jump suit at Lulu’s, they definitely have a ton of great options in the jumpsuit department.



It’s extremely comfortable and I’m very happy to have added this piece.


I still want to do a ‘Sunday Style’ with Dave, and now I think I’ll have to do one with Mira. I’ve been working on her capsule wardrobe (kids clothes can get just as over whelming when there are too many pieces).

Be well.

Mira is one!

Last Saturday miss Mirabella Emma turned 365 days old. It was funny, I woke up at 4:21am and thought to myself, ‘it was almost this time exactly last year that I was grabbing our little girl and putting her on my chest.’

This year has been a wild ride, and Mira you have taught me so much about myself and this world we live in. I’m working my way closer and closer to a growth mindset. Everyone in my world is pushing me to grow as a human and sometimes it is hard, but that doesn’t mean it’s bad.


Mira celebrated her first birthday surrounded by some friends and with funfetti cake, and she was simply in heaven!


Since our last update Mira has had a few firsts:

-Visit to the zoo

-3 hour nap (it was glooooorious for both of us)

-Race day (Mira walked 7.6 miles during bloomsday with her aunt, uncle, and nonna)

-Extended trip from her papa

-Night away from mama

-Pee pee and poo poo in her potty (we’ve been doing some mild EC….before Mira came into the world I wanted to do it from the beginning, but it was all I could do to just survive those first 6 months with sad Mira. Now that she’s happier with life we feel like we can try it out a bit 🙂


When talking about Mira’s firsts I’ve been trying my best to steer clear of ‘developmental milestones’ because the only people that really need to be aware of them are Mira, Dave, myself and her pediatrician. I’ve observed some parents become really anxious/concerned when sitting around with others’ talking about whose kid is crawling/standing/walking/sitting up/eating this/eating that (and I was victim of the worry as well). Since that bout of worrying, specifically about crawling, I realized that it was all this talk and comparing that was holding me back from really enjoying who Mira was in that moment, regardless of what she could or could not do. Not to mention that it’s good to get out of the habit of verbally comparing her to anyone else, she doesn’t need to be hearing/doing that. I get that it can be hard though, especially if you’re having serious concerns about your child’s development, and in that case maybe sharing with other people is the best. I just feel that it was taking away from my life rather than adding to it (every child is different, and every parent is different as well….NO judgement).

IMG_6311.jpgI have to say that I am 100% thankful for my family, friends and this blog (oh, and my therapist) because they have all been a place for me to externalize the ups and downs of this last year. I feel grateful that I am able to share all this with the world, because it’s important that people see the good and the bad on social media (it’s not all flowers and sausages). Plus I just feel like when we experience the world as it is rather than trying to construct a world as we think it should be, we are able to heal and accept ourselves and others as they are.


**note the Oliver licking his junk in this photo**

Mira and Oliver have really been enjoying playing with each other, I believe if she could say it, dogs would be her favorite animal. She waves ‘hello’ to every dog we see. She has a specific utterance that sounds like ‘Oliver,’ it’s basically just the intonation, and it’s extremely cute!!!


I can’t even put into words how much happiness this little girl has brought into my world. Dave and I were extremely excited to meet our little girl when she was still inside me, but I have to admit that I was also very nervous. Nervous because my love for Dave is so deep/hard that I was concerned about how this third person would integrate into our family unit. Well I tell you what folks, this little girl has made me love Dave even more, and I feel like everyday I am just so looking forward to things we will be doing together.

This year Dave celebrated his first father’s day, and I celebrated my first mother’s day and it was everything we ever thought it could be. Dave’s mom was in town and we enjoyed a brunch out (complete with endless bloody marys).

IMG_E6405.JPG Mira’s face says all that needs to be said about endless bloody marys.

Mira’s been really into dancing lately so we’ve been really enjoying some daily dance parties.

It’s been an amazing year, and I’m so glad I could share it with you all and create this virtual memorabilia for Mira. Stay tuned for year two of Mira’s life, probably not with as frequent updates, but updates nonetheless.

Be well.

Summer, Bloomsday, Mother’s Day

Can you believe it’s already June?? Where did the time go?? I felt like just yesterday it was winter break! I’m really excited for this time of year though because I’m off work for the next couple months and Mira and I will get in some hard core hang outs! Before I go too far into our summer plans I want to recap a couple of important happenings that recently occurred in the Paolone-Webb family.

First, I’ll start with Bloomsday weekend. It’s a family tradition to do Bloomsday, in fact when I got my finishers postcard this year I saw that this was the 17th year I’ve done it and I felt a mixture of pride/where did the time go? It’s a great event, centered around getting out and doing something physical which makes it awesome in my book.

We started the weekend by grabbing lunch with my cousins who flew/drove in from Canada.


Always a good time with these ladies!

I spent the rest of the day with Dave and Mira, which was nice because we hadn’t seen Dave for a week! After the ladies got home from running errands and such we got ready to go!

I still laugh thinking about this photo shoot!!!!!!! I’m talking laughing so hard I’m crying!

We went to a great brewery called Iron Goat Brewing, which had some good beers and some GREAT pizza! I had been craving a wedge salad for almost a week, and this place was soooo good!


We had an interesting uber ride home, let’s just say it involved gasoline and a lot of talk about ratings…..I thought for sure that I was going to die and become a part of his seats, but I was riding with some murder experts and they weren’t concerned so that gave me some reassurance.

The next day was more fun around Spokane, and resting up for the main event.

Sunday morning my mom, brother, and sister in law walked with Mira B so that Dave and I could run run run. Thank you so much to mom, Daniel and Aya for being so awesome! Mira had a lot of fun and was people watching the entire time.



I wanted to talk for a minute about Bloomsday last year. I hadn’t ran much during my pregnancy and so I knew I wouldn’t be running, but I had a goal to walk, with a little running throughout. Things didn’t go as planned, I experienced a lot of weird feelings and listened to my body when it told me to take a few long breaks. Needless to say it really bothered me to see my time last year, but I just kept reminding myself that with a lot of hard work and determination I could run again. I had a lot of people tell me what they found post-partum fitness to be like, and many telling me how it would “probably” be for me. I found no ones predictions to be accurate. Some people said that weight would just fall off and things would feel the same very quickly, some said I would never be the same again, others said if you don’t lose weight in the first six months fitness would be much more difficult and you’ll probably never lose it. This is why I try never to tell anyone what their experience will or will not be like.


It has been a long hard road, and I don’t plan on giving up any time soon. I found that along the way I tried things that did not work for me and I needed to modify and move forward. Knowing that I could do that and it didn’t mean I needed to give up was crucial! I was proud of myself that I was able to run the entire race this year (stopping once for water). I’m training for another half marathon and I plan to get it in before the end of this year (#goals).


It was a great weekend and I’m so happy I got to spend time with my family!!


Guys, guess what?? It was my first Mother’s Day this year! I know, I mean technically I was a mother last year, but she was still on the inside. I was really excited to celebrate being a mom this year, but also to celebrate my mom. She has been such a tremendous help to my family. We had some child care difficulties and she really stepped up and helped us out lot, so I wanted to make this years celebration special for her as well.


After much discussion and a few grocery store trips, we decided to have a bagel bar.


We also hit up the bakery at Metro Market and found some yummy baked goods/berries/chocolates.


It was nice to celebrate with all my family. Especially since it was my sister’s first Mother’s Day as well. This year we welcomed Elio into our family in February. Lot’s of mothers to celebrate!

Everyone was pleasantly full after breakfast and many were ready for naps.


Bet you thought I was going to say Mira????? HA!

We hung out in the back yard all day and welcomed Kodi and Tara over later in the afternoon for a walk and BBQ.


Man, when I see him he still looks like this to me…


All in all it was a great Mother’s Day!


I think I’ve caught you up on what’s been going on in my life! Spring/Summer are my favorite time of year, especially now that we have a garden. I can’t wait for these little babies to grace us with their presence.


I plan on doing a lot of gardening this summer!! We’ve never had a yard/garden of our own so we are really just getting the hang of keeping up with it and I’m so excited! I love spending time outside, getting my hands dirty, and seeing the results.


Mira and I plan to do a lot of runs this summer. She’s been loving the stroller and jogs as long as she has a couple toys and can see people along the way.


And we are very excited to visit family and celebrate Mira’s 1st birthday!!!!! Woohoo

Be well.

Mira is 10 Months!

Can you believe it??????????????


Oh and just so you know, this is what happened minutes later….

bun sad.jpg

My sad lil’ bunny!

I am happy to report that more often than not Mira is lovin’ life (I know, I know, I mentioned this in the last update….but guys…..she HATED those first 4.5 months of life, that’s so much better and I still feel like I need to shout it from the roof tops).


Here are a few of her other favorite things:

  • People – she’s stares and stares, and then smiles.
  • Imitating coughs – if you cough she’ll imitate you, or she coughs trying to get you to imitate her.
  • Crawling – it started a couple weeks ago and she is fast!
  • Standing
  • Balls – throwing (or attempting), watching you throw, slapping, etc.
  • Books
  • Eating – still an all time FAV, that’s my girl!
  • Puppy – she loves watching Oliver play, trying to throw his toy, having him lick her hands.
  • Other babies – and kissing them

She also kisses herself in the mirror, she’s just one for giving kisses.

lovin herself.jpg

Here are some of her firsts over the last two months:

  • Crawling
  • Swim lessons – though they fell right on nap time, so we have more consistent ones starting in August, all I really care about is that she can FLOAT!
  • Easter
  • Trip to Whidbey Island
  • Too many new foods to write

Our little bean laughs so much these days! She thinks her nonna and papa are extremely hilarious!


My favorite part about our little bean right now is that she’s so social. The other day I was doing a workout and she was doing it right along side me in her jumper. Later that day we were playing with blocks and taking turns throwing them into a box together, it was magical!


So I’m gonna tell you something, she is crawling all over the place, AND I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That’s the kind of energy I don’t mind expending! It’s the best! Everyone kept saying to watch out, it will be tiring! Maybe it will be, but currently all I have to say is that: NOTHING COMPARES TO AN INFANT THAT WON’T STOP SCREAMING FOR 4.5 MONTHS! And here’s the thing guys, I will continue to say that until I am proven wrong. Sorry. You just. need. to. know.

As far as words go she is demonstrating emergent use of the sign “all done,” though it still needs prompting. She is consistent with ‘more’ for food, actions, and toys! We have heard ‘dada’ but also ‘papa’ so we don’t have any spoken words yet, but she is babbling a storm and I can’t even wait to hear her little voice!!


This girl is killing me guys with her cuteness, at night she has started nuzzling her head into my chest (it’s her first semblance of a snuggle…she’s never really been a cuddler) and it melts my heart. I sing extra goodnight songs so I can get extra nuzzles.


Okay, I think I’ve filled this post with enough Mira cuteness (what? never!) Okay, okay, one more before I go.


Okay, that one was mostly because I think Dave looks handsome in it ❤ #swoon

Be well.

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