
The Art of Running in the Rain

"To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift." -Prefontaine



Addams Family Themed Halloween Costume

IMG_7838.jpgThis is our first year doing a family themed costume and we had so much fun that it is going to become a tradition! I don’t quite remember what got us thinking about this costume theme; however, it was definitely the Wednesday braids that confirmed our choice.


There was definitely NO DIY with this costume or any of the costumes in our theme this year (maybe for future costumes); however, with clever scouring of our closets we were able to assemble most of the costumes with items we already owned. Here’s a list of items we needed to purchase for Wednesday’s costume:

  • Black crochet braids – Mira’s pretty good about keeping things on her head, but I also think that the fact that it is essentially a hat made it a lot easier to keep it on her head at most points in the evening.
  • Black and white dress – This dress is made of such a comfy material, it was easy to get on and she seemed comfortable all evening.

Things we already had:

  • Black tights
  • Black shoes – we used her cons, and I mean, who can resist a toddler in converse


We were originally going to be in Seattle for Halloween, so Dave would have felt a little more comfortable temperature wise in a full suit; however, we were in southern California so he got pretty hot early on. Here’s the list of items we purchased for Gomez Addams:

  • Fake hand – I regret not bringing our velcro strips to attach the hand to his suit, but aw well, Mira had fun carrying it at times.
  • Hair dye – Dave reports that this stuff made him super warm! Although, we thought it looked perfect and was really easy to wash out. Maybe the warmth would have been welcomed in the PNW.

Things we already had on hand:

  • Black suit
  • Tie
  • Black shoes

IMG_0792Failed at getting pictures of my costume, but this one was towards the end of the evening when I had changed shoes. Originally I was wearing heals, but clearly I am no longer at the point in my life when heels on halloween work for me. I made it to the end of the block before switching to mules. We didn’t need to purchase anything for my costume, here’s what we used that we had on hand:

  • Black velvet dress – This was the bridesmaids dress I wore for my cousin’s wedding. Ironically I was as far along in Mira’s pregnancy as I am in this pregnancy now.
  • Black heels – These heels are so old AND from target, it may be time for me to get a new pair of tried and true black heels.
  • Crucifix necklace – This was my nonna’s.
  • White face paint – I couldn’t find the exact one I used, but the bottle looked very similar to this one.
  • Black lip stick

I will add that if we would have been in the PNW for Halloween I probably would have purchased a black fur coat, so it ended up working out great for my costume that we were in the warmth!


It made me happy that there were very few ‘one time use’ items that we had to purchase. I’m already thinking of what costume Mira will be when we use her dress on baby number two in a couple years 🙂



It was so much fun putting together our theme this year and it got me pumped for what we are going to do in the future. Stay tuned for future themes. Hope you had a great Halloween!

Be well

Summer, Bloomsday, Mother’s Day

Can you believe it’s already June?? Where did the time go?? I felt like just yesterday it was winter break! I’m really excited for this time of year though because I’m off work for the next couple months and Mira and I will get in some hard core hang outs! Before I go too far into our summer plans I want to recap a couple of important happenings that recently occurred in the Paolone-Webb family.

First, I’ll start with Bloomsday weekend. It’s a family tradition to do Bloomsday, in fact when I got my finishers postcard this year I saw that this was the 17th year I’ve done it and I felt a mixture of pride/where did the time go? It’s a great event, centered around getting out and doing something physical which makes it awesome in my book.

We started the weekend by grabbing lunch with my cousins who flew/drove in from Canada.


Always a good time with these ladies!

I spent the rest of the day with Dave and Mira, which was nice because we hadn’t seen Dave for a week! After the ladies got home from running errands and such we got ready to go!

I still laugh thinking about this photo shoot!!!!!!! I’m talking laughing so hard I’m crying!

We went to a great brewery called Iron Goat Brewing, which had some good beers and some GREAT pizza! I had been craving a wedge salad for almost a week, and this place was soooo good!


We had an interesting uber ride home, let’s just say it involved gasoline and a lot of talk about ratings…..I thought for sure that I was going to die and become a part of his seats, but I was riding with some murder experts and they weren’t concerned so that gave me some reassurance.

The next day was more fun around Spokane, and resting up for the main event.

Sunday morning my mom, brother, and sister in law walked with Mira B so that Dave and I could run run run. Thank you so much to mom, Daniel and Aya for being so awesome! Mira had a lot of fun and was people watching the entire time.



I wanted to talk for a minute about Bloomsday last year. I hadn’t ran much during my pregnancy and so I knew I wouldn’t be running, but I had a goal to walk, with a little running throughout. Things didn’t go as planned, I experienced a lot of weird feelings and listened to my body when it told me to take a few long breaks. Needless to say it really bothered me to see my time last year, but I just kept reminding myself that with a lot of hard work and determination I could run again. I had a lot of people tell me what they found post-partum fitness to be like, and many telling me how it would “probably” be for me. I found no ones predictions to be accurate. Some people said that weight would just fall off and things would feel the same very quickly, some said I would never be the same again, others said if you don’t lose weight in the first six months fitness would be much more difficult and you’ll probably never lose it. This is why I try never to tell anyone what their experience will or will not be like.


It has been a long hard road, and I don’t plan on giving up any time soon. I found that along the way I tried things that did not work for me and I needed to modify and move forward. Knowing that I could do that and it didn’t mean I needed to give up was crucial! I was proud of myself that I was able to run the entire race this year (stopping once for water). I’m training for another half marathon and I plan to get it in before the end of this year (#goals).


It was a great weekend and I’m so happy I got to spend time with my family!!


Guys, guess what?? It was my first Mother’s Day this year! I know, I mean technically I was a mother last year, but she was still on the inside. I was really excited to celebrate being a mom this year, but also to celebrate my mom. She has been such a tremendous help to my family. We had some child care difficulties and she really stepped up and helped us out lot, so I wanted to make this years celebration special for her as well.


After much discussion and a few grocery store trips, we decided to have a bagel bar.


We also hit up the bakery at Metro Market and found some yummy baked goods/berries/chocolates.


It was nice to celebrate with all my family. Especially since it was my sister’s first Mother’s Day as well. This year we welcomed Elio into our family in February. Lot’s of mothers to celebrate!

Everyone was pleasantly full after breakfast and many were ready for naps.


Bet you thought I was going to say Mira????? HA!

We hung out in the back yard all day and welcomed Kodi and Tara over later in the afternoon for a walk and BBQ.


Man, when I see him he still looks like this to me…


All in all it was a great Mother’s Day!


I think I’ve caught you up on what’s been going on in my life! Spring/Summer are my favorite time of year, especially now that we have a garden. I can’t wait for these little babies to grace us with their presence.


I plan on doing a lot of gardening this summer!! We’ve never had a yard/garden of our own so we are really just getting the hang of keeping up with it and I’m so excited! I love spending time outside, getting my hands dirty, and seeing the results.


Mira and I plan to do a lot of runs this summer. She’s been loving the stroller and jogs as long as she has a couple toys and can see people along the way.


And we are very excited to visit family and celebrate Mira’s 1st birthday!!!!! Woohoo

Be well.

Mira is six months!

Mira is half a year today! It feels like it has been five seconds and it feels like it has been ten years all at the same time. I missed my month 5 recap so this will be a mash up!


I keep hearing, “cherish this time,” “these are the best times,” “I miss that time,” and while I try not to judge (motherhood has humbled much of my judging Judy nature), I have a hard time believing that it won’t ALL have it’s good aspects. Annnnnyways, that’s neither here nor there, because here we are at 6 months and Mira IS as cute as can be.

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Here’s an update on our little bean:

-Mira is sleeping through the night!! I hesitate to write this because I don’t want to jinx us


-Mira has eaten the following foods: sweet potato, banana, delicata squash, butternut squash, pear, cereal, chicken, ferro, carrots, broccoli, peanut butter, strawberries, hemp milk, black berries, and a few other things we’ve baby-bird fed her. She seems to like all foods, but she’s in the ‘try/like everything’ stage so we’re trying to capitalize on that.


-A few of Mira’s firsts: Halloween, photo shoot, house, Christmas light drive, flight, trip to the Seattle Center, trip to Orange County, Thanksgiving dinner, trip to the beach (both at home and the OC), while she didn’t make it into Disneyland we did meet at downtown Disney, date night babysitter who wasn’t a family member, there are probably more (I mean she’s a baby, everything is a first right?) but I’ll leave it there for now.

mira cries

*Halloween was during the time with Mira that we like to call “I hate this world, why did you bring me here?!?!?!?!?!?” So this picture is the best I can do….also I blame Trump for her feelings.

Dave told me that a friend of his recently said “I’m so glad things have gotten better, because it sounded really hard.” Dave said, “I thought things were hard for your kiddo in the beginning too?” and he replied, “Yeah it was challenging, but Mira sounded a lot more.” And I have to tell you, hearing that always feels so nice. It was REALLY hard during those first 5 months, like unfathomably hard. I’d say the turning point happened when sleep got better. One day she took three naps that each lasted about an hour and I thought to myself, ‘is this what it’s like when you have a baby that sleeps???’ She still cries painstakingly when going down for most naps and at night, but it has gotten so much better.



  • Oliver & Charlie (she smiles and talks to them like crazy)
  • Walks
  • Sweet potato/squash, chicken
  • Kisses/tickles
  • Being thrown up in the air
  • Peek a boo
  • Other babies/people
  • The ‘good morning’ song
  • Being worn



  • Hyponagogia (“neurological phenomenon that can occur when one is going to sleep. It is an in-between state where one is neither fully awake nor fully asleep”) —- like she seriously HATES this feeling.
  • When mama or papa leave to quickly.

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For Thanksgiving we took a trip down to Orange County and Mira was able to meet so many of Dave’s family members and some really good friends of ours. It was such an exciting time for all of us, and Mira did so well on the flights to and from. The Ergo was intricate in napping on the flight and keeping our bean happy.


Dave’s grandma and sister were finally able to meet Mira, and there was a lot of long awaited gushing


Our little bean has had a pretty wild first six months of life, and she has definitely brought us so much joy. There are still moments when I look at Dave and say, “Can you believe she’s ours?” “We have a daughter!” “She’s our little girl.” and it feels surreal. I’m going to hold on to that feeling, forever. She’ll be thirty (and obvs changing the world) and I’ll look at Dave and say “that’s our bean!” and it will feel unreal all over again.

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I love you Mirabella Emma.


Oh Nonna

I can’t sleep.

I just need to write.

Today we lost one of my favorites. My Nonna. Emma Morelli.

nonna birthday

If you have even met me then it’s very likely you have heard a story about my Nonna. You probably know that she’s hilarious, giving, and sensitive.

oh nonna

My earliest memories of nonna were when she would watch my siblings and I while babysitting a neighbor’s child. Her house always had homemade bread, pizza, pasta, sugo, antipasto, and tons of other delicious Italian foods that I can only hope to recreate for my family.


Some of my favorite Nonna quotes:

“Buh, I guess so”

“Oh nonna”


“I carry on, carry on”

“I love you with allamy heart”

“How’s Dah-veed?”

“Ciao baby”


I know that we are all put on this earth and one day we will leave, but today a large hole has been left. I’m sad for so many reasons, but something that really has me down is how Mira won’t get to know you like I did.


I promise to tell her what her middle name stands for. I promise tell her your story, how life was definitely not always fair to you but how you worked hard to make it better for us. I promise to share your food with her. I promise to teach her how to play dice.

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I love you so much my Nonna, and I will carry you always and forever in my heart. You are a part of me and now you are a part of my daughter, Mirabella Emma. I know that you are with Nonno now, and I’m sure there’s a rock somewhere that we’ll hear about later.




Christmas 2015

I love Sundays!  Even though the work week is looming and that means I’ll get less time chillin’ with the husband, it also means a day of decompressing guilt free.  I’ve also been trying to use my Sundays to do meal planning so there’s less frantic assembling during the work week.  Today I’m prepping a polenta lasagna and cutting up vegetables for a home style salad bar.

I wanted to recap on some of the holiday happenings from this Christmas.  I get more and more excited about these recap posts ever since taking that happiness course.  One of the exercises proven to increase happiness and decrease stress is to reflect on photos of happy moments, and after I’ve completed these posts I do feel great!   I think there may be a correlation with posting happy photos on social media as well, I’d love to see research on that.

We started our trip with an early morning flight, Dave and I headed back up to my homeland to visit my family.  We had such a good time, but man did that week fly by.  We flew with the animals, and although I felt like Oliver should have been so happy to be with us in the cabin he was pretty much freaked out the entire time.


Charlie was in cargo, I just had to not think about him because I know that old man was nervous the whole time.  All in all I would fly with them again, especially if the trip is over a week and dog friendly.  It ends up being less than a sitter and I LOVE having my little dudes with me whenever I can.

We were very excited to see nonna!


The gentleman in the background is my zio Antonio, he’s my nonno’s brother.  It’s so nice to visit him and his wife; Dave loves the glimpse into my background and I love seeing someone who reminds me a lot of my nonno.


You can’t get away from their house without feeling full and a little drunk.  I hope that’s how people feel about my place 🙂  *oh, Daniel*


Zio makes his own wine, and this year it was out of this world.  I can’t even describe the flavor it had, unreal.



He was very excited about this bottle, you pretty much grab it by the butt and boobs (censored terminology for the interwebs).


“Ma, whatayagonnado?”


Following the delicious wine, zio wanted Dave to experience some Italian beer.  Dave said it was crisp and refreshing, but more than anything it was fun to try beer from Italy.

After visiting with zio and zia we headed to my auntie Lauren’s house for dinner.


We all got the grey memo 🙂


My cousin’s daughter is so incredibly adorable!!  I just kept wondering if they made that outfit in my size.



So many Christmas day memories in this house.  Also, did you catch nonna downing the wine?



Proud parents with chez Lauren!  Her meal was fantastic!!!!


I had the most adorable view during my dinner!


My grandpa’s birthday is Christmas day, so we always have christmas/birthday combo celebration.  The gift he was opening was from a family friend, Rocco.


It was a coffee mug with pictures of all of my grandparent’s six children (two of which are no longer with us anymore).  Everyone was pretty happy about the memories.  There was one for all of the aunts/uncles and my grandparents, very thoughtful!


After dessert it was photo time and then we played heads up.  What a fun Christmas!!  Hope yours was filled with family and laughter too!

Be well!




This post has definitely been a hard one to write.  It’s a combination of loss for words and avoiding sadness.

I’ll start with my first experience with Alzheimer’s.  I don’t recall the exact age, but I was very young, and received the news that my nonno (Italian for grandfather) was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

nonno and mom

Here are the things I remember about my nonno: he had a sense of humor, he loved to sing, he loved to hunt (I’ll forgive him for that one because he loved dogs), and he cared very dearly about providing for his family.  He taught me the Italian songs that I still know how to sing.  I was young when he passed away, 18; but I still have good memories of times spent together, laughing, singing, and of course (we’re Italian) eating.

My nonna is a strong woman, she also has a sense of humor which can erupt an entire room into laughter (I will never forget the time nonna, staring directly at a young man who was about to pass out from being so drunk, made a gregarious hand gesture and yells, “You have a bit too much of da juice?”).

nonna 1.jpgnonna 1

I remember it being hard times for her when my nonno wasn’t doing so well.  She was stressed, sad, confused, and so many emotions which it feels unfair for such a spirit to have to endure.  I know that the love my nonna and nonno had for one another helped them through such a difficult time.  I’m not a religious person, but I believe they will see each other again one day, without the burdens of life’s difficulties.  Until then, I’m happy I still have my nonna here with me.

nonna 2.jpg

Now for the part that seems so unfair to be true.  Would you imagine that this disease would affect this family once again?  Well, it has.  Almost one year from today my dad received the diagnosis of early onset Alzheimer’s.

I’m going to start by telling you the positive things: he is active, strives to eat healthy, has a positive outlook, he doesn’t smoke, he drinks one glass of red wine each night, and it’s early.  Now that list is suppose to make us all feel better.  I guess the most important thing to me is that my dad is happy and enjoying life.

las vegas

If you know me or you’ve read my posts, I’m a realist.  I’m also a speech language pathologist, I’ve worked with people who’ve had dementia, traumatic brain injury, dysphagia, etc. and I know all too well the various roads that could be ahead.  My dad is right though, we can’t worry about what’s ahead, we can only try and handle what’s right there in front of you.


I’m telling you my story because you can help.  They’ve made so many advances in the area of Alzheimer’s; however, they still have not determined a cure and the medicine they are using to slow the progress is the same medicine they were using when I was in grad school 5 years ago.


Please join me and my team to help find a cure for Alzheimer’s.  A few of my family members and I are doing a walk in Southern California on November 14th, 2015.  I invite you to join us on the walk and/or donate to help make a difference in the lives of so many.

Click here to donate or join our team, thanks!!

Be well.

What to say

I realized I’ve been waiting for the right words to come to me, for the right thing to say; however, I now understand that sometimes there just isn’t a way of knowing what the right thing to say is, and you just have to go with your gut.

A few weeks ago we lost my father in law. It was a sobering start to the holidays, and it has taken an emotional toll on my husband, Dave, and I.  I really only met Steve three times, but each time we saw each other I loved him more and I was very excited to call him my dad.

dave and dad.jpg Some Additional sadness, during the ‘family formals’ portion of our wedding photos we didn’t get one of me with Dave and his parents.  I am happy to say that our photographers captured other great moments and memories from that day, and that is something that we will cherish forever.


There are many things that I am sad we will miss out on, but I’ve tried to find peace in what we can remember about Steve. He loved Dave so much and I know that father-son love is something that Dave will give to our children because of him.   I know it will be with a heavy heart that Dave tells our children about their grandfather, but in doing so the seeming void will be filled with memories and happy recollections.


I never would have fathomed taking on this role of wife so soon in our marriage, but Dave is the kind of man you want to be there for. He makes it so easy to love and support him. This has been a tragic stop on our life journey, my love, but I know we will make it through. Love you.

Be well.

Stagette weekend

One of the most amazing weekends of my life was September 20th, my cousin/friend, Katie, and friend-for-forever, Tara, threw me some amazing parties.  There was help from a lot of other ladies as well (namely Emily, Luisa, Lauren), but I’m gonna avoid the grammy’s thank you speech and just fill your eyes with the amazingness that it was.

N& D.jpg

The ladies rented a beautiful house in capitol hill, and the weekend started with a dinner at Barrio.  It was a great surprise because I hadn’t heard great things about Barrio and was pleasantly surprised when the food was amazing.

The next morning I was pampered to the extreme.  I went on a walk for coffee with my friend Jill and my cousin Spencer and when I came home I was greeted by Emily.


I was told to go downstairs and await.  Which I’m so glad I did because when I was allowed to come up all the beautiful decorations were up (*Kate and Em are amazing, they should start a business).




I wish I would have snapped more pictures of all the amazing things they did.  I can’t believe I didn’t get a photo of the yogurt bar (with Ellenos yogurt!), bloody mary bar, quiches and baked goods from Bakery Nouveau, and Victrola Coffee.  I have to add that the amazing planners came in from out of town…pretty amazing that they found the most delicious Seattle goods!


We played some great games and I received some really lovely gifts from all my friends and family 🙂


This photo is thanks to my lovely friend Tiffany 🙂

There was a brief intermission which allowed me to go on a run (while the planners got back to work…those ladies were working non-stop all weekend), and then come back and get into my sexy gear….


All attendants were given bags containing treats and items to alleviate any party induced ailments.  Featured item in my bag….the penis wand, it was in full force all evening, but really shined during the dancing portion of the evening.




We played some great games!  I really appreciate all the planning and effort that went into both parties 🙂  After the structured portion of the night we went out for some dancing.


The penis straws were in full force!  As was the dancing 🙂


Such an amazing weekend.  I can’t thank the friends and family in my life enough.  There’s a quote that a good friend of mine shared with me (I don’t know who it’s by, or if I have it accurately, but I’m gonna share it), “A good friend makes you feel like you have the better end of the deal.”  My friends are constantly making me feel like I’m getting the better end of the deal, and I just couldn’t live without them!

Be well.


Labor day camping!


Time to get on the road!  It’s wild how much stuff it requires to sustain 5 humans and 2 dogs for the weekend.  A. Lot.  The car ride was filled with the usual, ABC game, stories about conception, and witty banter.  The newest addition: Family Feud.  Super fun game 🙂


First things first, let’s get the Wifi


Just kidding, no wifi and no reception for 3 full days.  Well except when we went into town to buy me a sleeping bad because I had forgot mine.  #camping101 #wheresmyheadat

Next up, Charlie gettin’ cozy time.


Time for a little cribbage

IMG_6666I was thinking of just letting you guess what this next picture is about:

But then it would be WAY more fun to tell you about ear candling.  It is 100% not recommended; the research says that it’s not harmful, but that’s it’s also not really effective.  Although, we all tried it this last weekend and it was very relaxing and seemed to work.  It’s a hollow candle that you light on fire on one end and put the other end in your ear.  Essentially it’s suppose to clear out excessive cerumen from your outer ear.  It. Did.

Chillin’ yo!  You may notice the propane fire, yeah there was a ban on wood fires, which we figured out the second night (I’ll let you connect the dots on that one).IMG_6663


Time for bed, let’s get cozy.



I basically slept with yoda this weekend.

IMG_6660Breakfast on the way home always tastes super delicious.   Breakfast lovers!!!


I feel like there is a direct correlation with the number of days you’ve gone without showering and electronics and the level of satisfaction derived from that first shower when you get back home 😛

Camping was awesome, can’t wait for the next trip!  I have a ‘camping workout’ to share with you all soon!

Be well.




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